equipment solutions

for a changing world

AUT8 Automatic Unloading Shuttle

The AUT8 is designed and employed for the automatic unloading of automated water bath plants. Its task is to correctly remove one row of batteries from the water bath per cycle. It does this through using an inverter driven bridge and a set of sensors to detect the presence of  a row of batteries on the bridge being evacuated from the water bath and once the row has cleared the water baths they are aligned on the roller bridge. Once the batteries are aligned, the pneumatic scoop is deployed to move the row from the bridge and onto the evacuation conveyor which is generally connected to the finishing line(s).


The cycle repeats until the water bath is empty.


Mounted typically on our BCON series of acid resistant conveyors, the shuttle is managed by our AquaForm water bath software. It is tasked through the software to move to the water bath which is to be unloaded and once in position, activates the door opening mechanism on the water bath. When cycle has finished the shuttle is available or an unloading operation on other water baths.


The AUT8 can be adapted and incorporated to handle unloading of other or ‘domestic’ water baths should it be needed.  It is complete with its own electrical control board and OP and as per all our formation room machinery is produced from EN 1.4404 SS.

Technical data

General features

  • EN 1.4404 (AISI 316L) Structure and parts
  • Acid Proof Components (PP/ABS/HASTALLOY)
  • Siemens 1500 series PLC and WEINTEK HMI
  • Inverter driven motorised roller transport bridge
  • Inverter driven transport mechanism for movement on the conveyor
  • Pneumatically puller system for battery transfer
  • Mechanical end line limit switches and emergency pull wire
  • Optional Linear Encoder controlled movement
  • Optional Laser controlled Cat 5 Safety System
  • Recipe system for correct spacing during loading

Capacity: 2 rows per minute (16 batteries)

Dimensions: 2000x1700x2050

Weight: 380kg

Voltage: 3 Phase 400VAC + Ground @ 50Hz

Secondary: 24VDC

Installed Power: 2kW

Pneumatic: 6 Bar





equipment solutions

for a changing world